Jul 19, 2009

Monsoon 2009

This is the first major mosoon storm we have had this year. In the picture is a big sand storm coming towards my apartment. Do you remember the scene in the Mummy where a face appears in the sand wall trying to eat the airplane Brandon Frazier was on. That is how the sand storms here in Mesa AZ look. I am not kidding you. I think it is so cool.

If I have my facts right there are only 2 places in the world with a sand storm like that. Here in AZ and in the Sahara Desert. Because of the intense heat we have. When the heat rises to cool off very quickly at night, it causes high pressure. The low pressure coming from the south, Mexico, it causes this type sand storm.


Kristi Patterson said...

That is an awesome picture. Was that last night? I love Arizona.

rich and steph said...

That was one heck of a storm! It blew over our and broke our basketball hoop. But I agree, so cool to look at!


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