Jul 18, 2008


How do I keep my pictures with the right blogs? All my pics end up on the bottom or on the top of my blog. Please help me if you can.


julie_77 said...

I'm sorry I don't know how to help you but I did notice that your zoo pictures seemed to be in the wrong place last time I looked. I guess you just have bad luck these days.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you can change the settings or something? And thanks for blogging, it allows me to keep up with what you and your family are doing ;)

lots of love,


Jana said...

Your Welcome. I figured you would like this. Take Care too.

Sol said...

I have this same problem, but I drag them to the spot I want them and they stay there. I can be a bit fiddly. You could always put the pictures on first and then type in between, or, put them on in reverse order. So anything you want at the bottom goes on first...

Jana said...

Thanx for the tip. I'll try that.


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